Fair Trade

As you can imagine all our products are either at least fair traded and eco friendly.
As already mentioned on our website, we have direct contact with our handicraft people.
The conditions of a fair trade are:

  • People who work for us direct or indirect get a far wage.
  • Child labor is out of the question.
  • Make sure the community where the materials been made will have benefits of the production.
  • The environments in our country are very important, we make sure that production is taking place in the most environmental way for Indonesian suppliers/manufactures/handicraft people.
  • We will visit on regular basis announced our supplier/manufactures/handicraft people to check if they still have the standard uses as we agreed in our mutual contracts.
  • We are happy that the FLEGT licences came to an agreement between the EUROPEAN UNION and Indonesia with a Voluntary Partnership. For importing Indonesian Teak wood an official Indonesian governmental license is required. FLEGT licenses show that Indonesia manages its forests in line with forest management and environment laws, as well as labor and community welfare legislation. They show that logging rights have been granted according to the law, and that timber is legally harvested. The licenses also confirm that products comply with legal requirements for trade and export, and that required taxes and fees are paid.